
About Macadamia

Macadamia (Macadamia spp.), which belongs to the Proteaceae family, is an evergreen perennial flowering plant species originating from southern Queensland and northern New South Wales in Australia. Macadamia has already become one of the most important economic oil crop species worldwide.

About MacadamiaGGD

MacadamiaGGD is first comprehensive macadamia germplasm and genomic database. MacadamiaGGD includes five genomes of four species, three chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes, genome annotations, three macadamia varieties transcriptomic data, four species and 262 main varieties germplasm data, nine genetic linkage maps, 657 SSRs and 35 SNPs. MacadamiaGGD is also integrated with multiple bioinformatic tools, such as search, JBrowse, BLAST, primer designer, sequence fetch, enrichment analysis, multiple sequence alignment, genome alignment, and gene homology annotation, which allows users to conveniently analyze their data of interest.

About Macadamia GGD construction

About MacadamiaGGD versions

Currently, MacadamiaGGD is in its first version.

About citation

Wang P, Mo Y, Wang Y, Fei Y, Huang J, Ni J and Xu Z-F (2022) Macadamia germplasm and genomic database (MacadamiaGGD): A comprehensive platform for germplasm innovation and functional genomics in Macadamia. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1007266. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1007266 [ Full Text ]